
Arianna Campbell

Boomer Consulting, Inc.
Shareholder & Chief Operating Officer
(785) 537-2358 ext. 113

Arianna Campbell is a Shareholder & Chief Operating Officer at Boomer Consulting, Inc., where she helps accounting firms focus on the people part of change by leading process improvement initiatives that increase capacity to create more value internally and externally. Arianna is adept at blending concepts from process improvement and change leadership to drive innovation and continuous improvement. 

Arianna facilitates the development and cultivation of Process Managers, Project Managers and Change Leaders in the Boomer Process Circle. She also enjoys sharing knowledge through regular contributions to the Boomer Bulletin, CPA Practice Advisor and other industry-wide publications, as well as public speaking at industry conferences. She’s been honored several times as one of CPA Practice Advisor’s Top 25 Most Powerful Women in Accounting and Inside Public Accounting’s Most Recommended Consultants. 

About Us: Boomer Consulting, Inc. provides consulting services to hundreds of the highest performing CPA firms. Our unique and powerful solutions target five areas critical to a firm's success: Leadership and Management, Client Development, Talent Development, Technology and Compensation. Learn how our portfolio of services within these areas can help your firm minimize dangers, capture opportunities and optimize strengths.